操作的数据类型共有六种:int32, int64, uint32, uint64, uintptr, unsafe.Pinter,每一种类型又提供了五种操作:Add增减, CompareAndSwap比较并交换, Swap交换, Load载入, Store存储。
// AddInt32 atomically adds delta to *addr and returns the new value.
func AddInt32(addr *int32, delta int32) (new int32)
var a int32 a += 10 atomic.AddInt32(&a, 10) fmt.Println(a == 20) // true //需要注意的是如果是uint32,unint64时,不能直接传负数,所以需要利用二进制补码机制 var b uint32 b += 20 atomic.AddUint32(&b, ^uint32(10-1)) // 等价于 b -= 10 // atomic.Adduint32(&b, ^uint32(N-1)) //N为需要减少的正整数值 fmt.Println(b == 10) // true
// CompareAndSwapInt32 executes the compare-and-swap operation for an int32 value.
func CompareAndSwapInt32(addr *int32, old, new int32) (swapped bool)
package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "sync/atomic" ) func main() { var c int32 wg := sync.WaitGroup{} //开启100个goroutine for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() tmp := atomic.LoadInt32(&c) if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&c, tmp, tmp+1) { fmt.Println("c 修改失败") } }() } wg.Wait() //c的值有可能不等于100,频繁修改变量值情况下,CompareAndSwap操作有可能不成功。 fmt.Println("c : ", c) } 偶尔输出: //c 修改失败 //c : 99 多数情况下输出 //c : 100
// SwapInt32 atomically stores new into *addr and returns the previous *addr value.
func SwapInt32(addr *int32, new int32) (old int32)
package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "sync/atomic" ) func main() { var e int32 wg2 := sync.WaitGroup{} //开启10个goroutine for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { wg2.Add(1) go func() { defer wg2.Done() tmp := atomic.LoadInt32(&e) old := atomic.SwapInt32(&e, tmp + 1) fmt.Println("e old : ", old) }() } wg2.Wait() fmt.Println("e : ", e) } // e old : 3 // e old : 1 // e old : 2 // e old : 4 // e old : 5 // e old : 6 // e old : 7 // e old : 8 // e old : 9 // e old : 0 // e : 10
// LoadInt32 atomically loads *addr.
func LoadInt32(addr *int32) (val int32)
// StoreInt32 atomically stores val into *addr.
func StoreInt32(addr *int32, val int32)
var d int32 fmt.Println("d : ", d) atomic.StoreInt32(&d, 666) fmt.Println("d : ", d)